12/2024: Welcome Prof. Fumin Huang from QUB UK visiting our lab for half a year.
11/19/2024: Qianying Hu and Xuan Zhao successfully gave their graduation defenses! Congrats!
08/02/2024: Congratulations to Prof. Yang Xu for winning the International Union of Pure and Applied Physics (IUPAP) Early Career Scientist Prize in Semiconductors (Commission C8)!
06/03/2024: Huiying’s paper on interlayer Fermi polaron is published in Nano Letters! Congrats!
05/09/2024: Rencong Zhang, Mingjie Zhang, Huiying Cui, Zhenyu Wang successfully gave their defenses! Congrats!
04/09/2024: Welcome Victor and Anton from ISSP RAS visiting our lab.
03/03/2024: Qianying Hu and Xuan Zhao attended APS March Meeting and gave presentations at Minneapolis, USA.
9/2023: The new website of N08 is online! Thanks to the great efforts of Yaotian!
8/11/2023: Qianying won the Best Poster Award at CCMP2023! Congratulations!
8/10/2023: Prof. Xu gave an invited talk “Rydberg exciton sensing and trapping in 2D van der Waals heterostructures” at CCMP2023 @Liyang, Jiangsu.
7/2023: Qianying won the Best Poster Award in the 24th National Semiconductor Physics Conference @Shanghai! Congratulations!
7/1/2023: Dr. Zhe Ying from Nanjing Univ. joined the lab. Welcome!
7/1/2023: Yaotian Liu and Subi Du joined the lab after one year's graduate study at Huairou. Welcome!
6/19/2023: Qianying's paper on Rydberg moiré excitons is published in Science!
(On the News:
5/19/2023: Yonghe's paper on ZrTe5 is published in Nano letters.
5/15/2023: Xuan Zhao's paper on pressure tuning of optical reflectivity in LuH2 is published in Science Bulletin!
5/19/2023: Rencong's co-first-author paper on black phosphorus is published in Nature Materials.
11/09/2022: Mingjie's paper is published in PRX! Congratulations!
8/1/2022: Prof.Xu's paper about twisted bilayer WSe2 is published in Nature Nanotechnology and highligthted by the News.
7/2022: Jiaqi Fang and Zhenyu Wang joined the lab. Welcome!
11/29/2021: Prof.Xu's paper about twisted bilayer CrI3 is published in Nature Nanotechnology.
8/19/2021: The optical lab (B108) renovation is close to be done! Waiting to be carpeted.
7/2021: Xuan Zhao joined the lab. Welcome!
5/2021: First "amateur" table-top optical microscopy setup built by Qianying. Simple but works!
3/15/2021: Qianying Hu joined the lab. Welcome!
1/21/2021: Prof.Xu's paper about spatial periodic dielectric screening is published in Nature Materials.