The N08 Lab

Low-dimensional Quantum Materials

Welcome to the N08 Group led by Prof. Yang Xu of Institute of Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences! The research of our group will center on the exploration of novel device structures and intriguing physics that emerge in low-dimensional quantum materials. We are dedicated to developing cutting-edge methods for studying and manipulating these materials. Most of our research requires a broad range of experimental techniques, including micro- and nano-fabrication, electronic transport, and optical spectroscopy at ultralow temperatures and in high magnetic fields.

    Latest News:

  • 9/01/2023: The new website of N08 is online!
  • 8/11/2023: Qianying won the Best Poster Award at CCMP2023! Congratulations!
  • 8/10/2023: Prof. Xu gave an invited talk “Rydberg exciton sensing and trapping in 2D van der Waals heterostructures” at CCMP2023 (Liyang, Jiangsu).
  • 7/2023: Qianying won the Best Poster Award in the 24th National Semiconductor Physics Conference (Shanghai)!
  • 6/19/2023: Qianying's paper on Rydberg moiré excitons is published in Science! (On the News:
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