2009 International Workshop

on Nanostructures & Nanodevices

July 1st-6th
Beijing-Chengdu, China




Brief Information:

The Workshop is to provide a forum for all participants to communicate recent developments in nanoscale physics and devices, tackle challenges, establish possible collaborations and eventually advance our understanding of new physics in novel materials. We expect a large group of students, postdocs and young faculties to attend the workshop. The special schedule of the workshop is to provide maximum time for interactions between participants.

June 30  Registration
July 1-3   IOP, Beijing Scientific Program
July 4-5   Tour
July 6-7   Sichuan University, Chengdu Scientific Program



Chinese Academy of Science & State Administration of Foreign Experts Affairs, China
Institute of Physics, CAS
Sichuan University


Invited of Speakers:



Wilson Ho University of California, Irvine, USA
Andreas J. Heinrich

IBM Almaden Research Center, USA

Karl-Heinz Ernst

Swiss Federal Laboratories for Materials Testing and Research Empa, Switzerland

Hongjie Dai

Stanford University, USA

Chun-Yung Sung

IBM T. J. Watson Research Center, USA

Thomas Greber Physics Institute, University of Zurich, Switzerland
Janice L DR Musfeldt

University of Tennessee, USA

Sui-ywan Chan Columbia University, USA
W. A. Hofer

The University of Liverpool, UK

Hong Guo

Mcgill University, Canada

Feng Liu

University of Utah, USA

Xincheng Xie

Oklahoma State University, USA/Institute of Physics, CAS, China

Xiaoqing Yang

Brookhaven National Laboratory, USA

Jian Shen

Oak Ridge National Laboratory, USA

Shouheng Sun

Brown University, USA

Sheng Dai

Oak Ridge National Laboratory, USA

Chonglin Chen

University of Texas, San Antonio, USA

Shuheng Pan

University of Houston, USA

Tiehan Shen

University of Salford, UK

Hongqi Xu

Lund University, Sweden

Min Ouyang

Maryland University, USA

Xudong Xiao

Chinese University of Hongkong, China

Yi Shi

Nanjing University, China

Ru Huang

Peking University, China

Ming Liu Institute of Microelectronics, CAS, China
Changzhi Gu

Institute of Physics, CAS, China

Xianggang Qiu Institute of Physics, CAS, China
Xiaolong Chen

Institute of Physics, CAS, China

Yongsheng Hu

Institute of Physics, CAS, China

Zhaohua Cheng

Institute of Physics, CAS, China

Hongjun Gao

Institute of Physics, CAS, China


Organization Committee


Jian Shen     Oak Ridge National Laboratory, USA
Hongjun Gao   Institute of Physics, CAS, China

Wilson Ho

University of California, Irvine, USA

W. A. Hofer The University of Liverpool, UK
Xiaoqing Yang Brookhaven National Laboratory, USA
Shouheng Sun Brown University, USA
Chonglin Chen University of Texas, San Antonio, USA
Min Ouyang Maryland University, USA
Zheng Cui Rutherford Appleton Laboratory, UK
Changzhi Gu Institute of Physics, CAS, China
Xiaolong Chen Institute of Physics, CAS, China
Xuejie Huang Institute of Physics, CAS, China
Zhaohua Cheng Institute of Physics, CAS, China


Ms. Xiao Hong
email: hjxiao@aphy.iphy.ac.cn
Tel: 8610-82648047
Fax: 8610-62556598

Ms. Yalan Feng
email: nano@aphy.iphy.ac.cn
Tel: 8610-62551106
Fax: 8610-62556598


Nanoscale Physics and Devices Laboratory, Institute of Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences.
P.O.Box 603, NanSanJie 8, ZhongGuanCun, Beijing 100190,China.
Tel: 0086-10-62551106; Fax: 0086-10-62556598; E-mail:nano@aphy.iphy.ac.cn